Core Values

Excellence, Integrity, Innovation, Transparency, Leadership, Diversity


The mission of the Alliance is to contribute to the academic success of children and youth by drawing on cultural  and linguistic diversity, enacted through collaborative partnerships.


The vision of the Alliance is to serve as a catalyst for supporting educational initiatives that meet the cultural, linguistic, and diverse academic needs of New Mexico’s children and youth.


  1. To create a pipeline of new teachers in New Mexico by serving as the state office for Educators Rising NM. The goal is to have the Educators Rising program established in 50 New Mexico schools by 2020.
  2. To increase partnerships with existing NMSU Outreach Programs, school districts, community agencies Regional Education Cooperatives, State and National agencies to support teacher recruitment, research and education in New Mexico.
  3. To increase the research and evaluation capacity of the College of Education through the Southwest Outreach Academic Research (SOAR) Evaluation and Policy Center. SOAR serves as evaluators for grants, internal research, and external organizations in education, healthcare, and the social sciences.
  4. To advocate, as a collaborative group, for policies and standards that meet the needs of rural and border districts.


  • To build, maintain, and strengthen relationships with pre-K16 educators and other community representatives.
  • To facilitate the linking of resources between and among NMSU, pre-K12 educators, and community entities.
  • To provide access to professional development and technical assistance that meets the cultural, linguistic, and diverse academic needs of all children and youth.
  • To support rural and border districts/schools in increasing community and parent engagement.
  • To collaborate with the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) and other state agencies to provide current information and professional development for rural and border districts/schools.
  • To collaborate with the Regional Educational Cooperative Centers (RECs) to provide professional development and consulting services to rural and border districts/schools.
  • To facilitate opportunities to network and dialogue with other who are interested in educational issues.
  • To create opportunities to advocate for effective and equitable education policies and standards.